Everyone who knows me and what I do will tell you that my passion lies in helping others use real food to live real life to the full, and attain real health via delicious, easy healthy eating – busy women especially, who so often put themselves last on the list because they are trying to give to others. But you are the ones who need to put self care top of the list, and daily eating has to be at the top of every serious self care list!

How do I know this? Because I did too much for too long and paid the price – three severe brushes with serious ill health. More on my story another time. This post is about you and your food!

Eating the right way to fuel body and brain is easy (when you know how, of course!) The balance between good carbs, quality protein and healthy fat, taking micronutrients and fibre into account, getting in proper servings of fruit and veg; sounds complex, but it’s really not that hard.

I’ve put together this resource so you have a day of delicious eating to fire you up, calm you down, and generally have you rocketing through your to do list with energy to spare. Perfect!

Grab your copy here, and enjoy!

By the way, until November 8th, there are huge pre-launch discounts on my new online programme, the Real Food Reboot. I’ve ploughed all my knowledge, experience, passion and love of gorgeous food into creating a programme with 3 levels of support that can deliver a calmer, slimmer, bouncier, happier, healthier you with delicious ease in only 12 weeks!

To find out more, check out the details here.