Cooking With Confidence Starts Here!

  If you’ve ever wished you could be a confident cook, be more creative in the kitchen, eat more healthily or just enjoy cooking more, then this is for you! So often the missing piece of the puzzle with those seeking better health, wishing to improve diagnosed illness, find success with permanent habit change, achieve…

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Eggs Florentine

Eggs are the ideal breakfast or light lunch choice. As a direct source of acetylcholine, the substance that works as a neurotransmitter in the brain promoting focus and concentration, it’s perfect for a day that needs you to stay sharp mentally. It’s also great for keeping you feeling fuller for longer, and getting a portion…

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Catalan Chicken

While this might take a while to marinade, it’s spectacularly quick to cook, and delivers a comforting dish in no time that the whole family will love. Chicken is one of the best foods for supporting brain function, stress, mood and mental health, so if you’ve had a hard day at work, this is what…

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Colds and Flu Fighting Veg

Supercharge for winter! Which vegetable superfoods are the best choices to ward off colds and flu? Obviously all veg is good, but to maximise nutrient intake in simple ways, some are better all rounders than others. Cabbage is a good choice, containing cancer-fighting glucosinolates, though a better choice would be watercress. This is a powerhouse…

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Spectacular spinach!

Spinach is one of those green leafy veg that mothers and grandmothers have exhorted us to eat for generations. Clearly they knew something, well before the age of nutritional research! Calorie for calorie, spinach provides more nutrients than any other food, topping the rankings for nutrient richness and diversity.  Bursting with high levels of a spectrum…

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Antioxidant Apple Clafoutis

It’s apple season! Apples are a quintessentially English fruit, and the beginning of autumn sees us almost literally rolling in them. The old adage about keeping doctors away by eating a daily apple isn’t actually far from the truth, and as healthcare goes, there are much less delicious ways to keep the change-of-season bugs at…

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Get Your Courgettes!

As summer ends and autumn approaches, courgettes really come into their own. Whether green or yellow, these members of the squash family have a mild flavour, but with an array of health benefits, give them a starring role while they are so fresh and juicy. Chock full of manganese and vitamin C. courgettes don’t just…

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The power of pak choi….

As a cruciferous vegetable, pak choi is fast becoming a more popular vegetable in its own right, not just used as part of asian cooking. A member of the cabbage family, it’s one of the highest nutritionally ranked vegetables, providing high amounts of more than 21 nutrients. Even more brilliantly, as well as the usual…

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Rocket, the wonder leaf!

Rocket isn’t just a lovely low calorie  part of a summer salad; it has a wonderfully spicy flavour that can add a peppery note to omelettes, pizzas, or savoury tarts. Not just a tasty ingredient, rocket is a potent health weapon. A rich source of phytochemicals such as indoles, thiocyanates, sulforaphane, and iso­thiocyanates as well…

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