What I Offer

Learn how to put real food every day into action

for better health and delicious daily eating...

Learn how nutrition can optimise your health through One-to-One Sessions, Online Courses or our Cookery School. I’m here to help you achieve your healthiest, happiest selves!

In this section...

One To One Consultation

My driving passion is helping people make life changes. Big ones or small ones, it doesn’t matter – whether it’s overcoming a long term condition, recovering from illness, or rediscovering real health with real food, I aim to make the tools available.

Online Courses

Your health is in your hands, and prevention is so much better than cure. Learn how your body and brain work, and what they need, from a professional source to take charge of your health easily, effectively and deliciously!

Cookery School

Take a cookery course in person or online to improve your health, a specific condition, your cooking repertoire or just your confidence in the kitchen. You’ll even be able to book personal sessions in the Cookery School or virtually to tackle absolutely any health or cooking conundrum you have.

What people say...