What’s naturally nourishing in….. December?

With Christmas on the doorstep, and some wonderful seasonal greens, here’s a healthy diet side dish that’s not just suitable for the Festive Feast, it’s great all through the winter for some serious nutrients, and uses the love-them-or-hate-them Marmite of greens – Brussels sprouts! There’s no doubt about it, sprouts cooked properly are gorgeous green…

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Spectacular spinach!

Spinach is one of those green leafy veg that mothers and grandmothers have exhorted us to eat for generations. Clearly they knew something, well before the age of nutritional research! Calorie for calorie, spinach provides more nutrients than any other food, topping the rankings for nutrient richness and diversity.  Bursting with high levels of a spectrum…

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The power of pak choi….

As a cruciferous vegetable, pak choi is fast becoming a more popular vegetable in its own right, not just used as part of asian cooking. A member of the cabbage family, it’s one of the highest nutritionally ranked vegetables, providing high amounts of more than 21 nutrients. Even more brilliantly, as well as the usual…

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Fabulous Fennel

Fennel is another of those ‘marmite’ foods – you either love it or hate it, depending on whether or not you’re a fan of the flavour of aniseed! Its flavour is also rather different raw, thinly sliced in a salad, than it is cooked. An easy vegetable to cook braised, roasted or as a gratin,…

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